
What YOU should know about teaching languages to young children!
Here are links to some very interesting articles and publications about foreign language education. Enjoy!
- Why, How, and When Should My Child Learn a Second Language?
- 10 Tips for Raising a Global Child
- Second Language Learning: Everyone Can Benefit
- Bilingualism can slow down the course of age-related changes in the brain
- Language Acquisition – An Overview
- Benefits of Being Bilingual
- Raising Bilingual Children: Common Parental Concerns and Current Research
- Language Learning and the Developing Brain
- Fertile Minds – When should children learn another language? What are the benefits of early language learning?
- Earlier is Better – Do You Want Your Children To Learn a Second Language? Start Them Before Puberty!
- Learning a Language – When is the ideal time to learn a language? Most school children start too late. Here’s why.
- Brain Benefits of Bilingualism
- The Cognitive Advantages of Balanced Bilingualism
- How the Brain Learns a Second Language
- Being Bilingual Protects Against Some Age-Related Cognitive Changes, Says New Research
- Can Preschool Children Be Taught a Second Language?
- Bilingual kids not slowed by second tongue
- Bilingual Acquisition
- Fostering Second Language Development in Young Children
- Attaining High Levels of Proficiency: Challenges for Foreign Language Education in the United States
- Spanish bilingual schools no longer just for remedial education
- Foreign Language Teaching: What the United States Can Learn From Other Countries
- Fast-tracking Foreign Languages: How to Meet the Linguistic Challenges
- Elementary School Foreign Language Programs
- World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages
- Building a More Resilient Brain (WSJ)
- Science Grows on Acquiring New Language
- Your Brain on Languages
- How Children Learn a Second Language
- Primero Hay Que Aprender Español. Ranhou Zai Xue Zhongwen
- Two Languages Make Your Brain Buff
- The Linguisitic Genius of Babies
- The Bilingual Advantage – NY Times
- Twelve Common Myths & Misconceptions About Bilingual Children
- Blessed With Bilingual Brains: Is it a Fact or a False Belief?
- Why Extra Curricular Activities Are Not Extra
- Could Bilingual Education Mold Kids’ Brains to Better Resist Distraction?
- 6 Potential Brain Benefits of Bilingual Education
- Why Are Some People Better at Learning Multiple Languages Than Others?
- New Study Shows Brain Benefits of Bilingualism
Video news programs
- Can Bilingualism Make PreSchoolers Smarter?
- Bilingual Learning: The science, options and dilemma of dual language education
Publications related to multilingual learning and living
Parenting radio broadcast in Spanish
Links to organizations relating to kids and parenting
Viva el Español in the News
- Y tú…¡Hablas español? On Twitter.
- Programs for Teaching Foreign Language – Bay Area Parent Magazine
- Lafayette Kids say “Hola!”
- Alamo Today
- Viva el Español Wins Best Foreign Language Program 2007 Award
- Viva el Español inducted into Hall of Fame for Best Foreign Language Program 2009
- Bay Area Kids: When I Grow Up
- Lafayette School District Considers Foreign Language Options
- Piedmont Language School Partners with Viva el Español to provide a New K-6 Spanish Immersion Program
- Margaret Grover-Roos Named Woman Entrepreneur of the Year
- Margaret Grover-Roos Wins MamásLatinas Award Press Release and Video
- Bay Area Sunday
- Al Día con Leticia Mendoza Estrella TV
- Language Ed in Lamorinda